Friday, 9 December 2016

Undertaking Research

Undertaking Research

In this task to create a music video I must research fully and thoroughly. My target audience that I have aimed my music video at is young people aged 15-25 years old, primarily being males and this can be for all ethnicities since in the music my group and I would like to add different styles and ethnicities in the actual footage of the music video. This is so it can relate to everyone and not just a specific ethnicity. Also this widens our target audience and creating a larger audience to target, meaning more views, more opinions, and more publicity. We think that the idea will appeal to the audience since the song is quite youthful and up to date young people are more likely to watch and enjoy it. 

The music video conventions that my group and I think will be most successful is doing some primary research for example, questionnaires for the audience that we are target audience this way we can get their opinion and thoughts on our music video idea and also they may even want to contribute an idea that they would like to see in the music video this way we as a group know that the audience we are targeting will definitely view the video. 

Another convention that my group and I have decided to include are face to face interviews explaining the different ideas that we have for the music video and then this gives the audience to give their opinions on it and also contribute to the production by giving their input of what they might like to see in this. This might be one of the most reliable ways for the audience to give their feedback since when doing a face to face interviews they may not lie to you since when people lie it comes from the interviewee's imagination and this may cause them to take a while to figure what they want to say, stutter when saying it because they don't know what to say etc. Whereas if they were telling the truth this might be a quicker response and also confident with their response. 

Also a convention that my group and I have decided to use which can be helpful for pre and post production which is Forums. This can be spoken about with a group of people face to face or online the majority of the time this is done online since this information could be coming from someone in a completely different country. This can be used in pre production since this allows the audience to have an inout and say of what they want to see since the music video is for them in the first place and their target audience since their would be no point in creating this without their input. Also this can be used in post production as well because once the music video has been made then we would want some feed back on what they thought of the music video and they could tell us what they liked and what they didn't so we know for next time not do that specific thing that didn't work in the production. Also by having this target audience of young people they like using social media and are consumed by it therefore this would be an easy way getting the information that my group and I need to move forward with the production. 

To gain information will also be using quantitative research when using Geodemogrpahics. This technique is to help discover if the individuals of a population fall into different groups. This will help my group and I pinpoint places of our target audience to identify the different things that people in each location would like to see in our music video. Since people in different locations of the world may want to see something specific in the music video for them to enjoy it. This will help my group and I create a bigger target audience and also make it successful so that people can enjoy it. 

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Audience Info Grid Music Video

Primary & Secondary Research

Primary Research 

Primary research is when people carry out their own research. People can get their own research by various ways. For example questionnaires are a very good way for people to do this this can be beneficial because you get specific questioning for the topic or thing that you researching. Another example of primary research that is usually used is by having interviews which are face to face with people this may make people want to be much more honest and reliable because the interviewer may get the sense that the interviewee is not being honest since when people lie they usually stutter and it takes them a little longer to come up with a response because they're tying to think of one. Another example is online forums were people are able to gain a variety of opinions from people all around the world they can also receive full in depth responses and it gives the researcher the chance to pinpoint things from that in depth response that are relevant to get the best outcome. 

However these could also be a problem for researchers because for instance with questionnaires people may be unreliable and just answer with any nonsense and don't actually tell the researcher their full and honest opinion, also if online it may be anonymous therefore the target audience the researcher was going for may be completely to the age that they thought or the gender etc. Interviews also have some drawbacks because they may not always be 100% honest so its really hard to say if that interviewee is a reliable enough, also they have a lack of variety in terms of audience because the interviewer would need to ask people with the same age, socio economic class and sometimes gender. Forums also have drawbacks because they're online the answers that you receive may come from unreliable and unknown or anonymous sources. 

Secondary Research

Secondary research is when people use existing research when collecting data or information. The internet is a very good example of secondary research because its one of the most common forms of research. The internet is beneficial because it can be quick to find things that you are searching for but thats not always the case it really depends on what exactly it is that your looking for, like when looking for something very simple may be quicker than looking for something that you need full and further detail in. The internet is free in some circumstances for example going to the library is free, so is the use of computers in school. It is also accurate in some circumstances for example when using biographical sites. Another example of secondary research is library and journals where they have a wide variety and broad selection of information on offer, it is also free for people to use libraries so your are not limited to what you can read. This also saves time in terms of finding out the information yourself which may take much longer then walking to the nearest library. 

However secondary research does have some drawbacks for instance when using the internet it can be time consuming when trying to find an extensive amount of information also not all sources on the internet are reliable for example sites like wikipedia is not always accurate because that can be changed by anyone on the internet. Fan sites are also a drawback because they may be biased on the topic, subject etc, and say that Drakes music video Hotline Bling is so good but when people watch it they may not have the same thoughts and opinions. It is also not always free for example using the internet at home has be paid for because of broadband so its not always certain that the internet is there for you when people are at home. Also libraries do have some drawbacks in terms of looking for information because people may need to search through many different books to look for specific information that they need. 

Purpose Of Research

Purpose of Research

Quantitative & Qualitative Research

Types of Research 

Quantitative Research 

Quantitative Research is research which is based upon numbers and figures of how much something is. For example in films when they're released it's ratings and how many people watched the film a long with the ticket sales are all shown on the box office this could be beneficial to audiences because it shows audience preferences which could help audience members decide if they want to watch that movie being shown in their nearest cinema. Quantitative research can also give film makers inspiration for example if a TV show producer was looking to create a new TV show they could take inspiration from a successful TV show and work out what that TV show such a success. 

However Quantitative Research is very time consuming because the audience would have to put the effort in to find that information so for example box office ratings, ticket sales which could all be on the internet which is possibly the quickest way to get that information. Another way for someone to find out this information is by going to the actual cinema which usually have the box office information for the movies that they're showing. Quantitative also does not pinpoint exactly what made the video such a success which means that the audience would have to look into it or watch the movie without knowing if your even going to enjoy it. 

Qualitative Research  

Qualitative Research is like a review of something that an audience member has taken time out to write about for example writing about movies, TV shows, or music videos of many audience's different opinions. This can be written by fans on their websites which can help audiences decide if they want to watch what that fan is reviewing about. Audiences can find this information out in many different ways which can suit many different audience members a couple examples are having questionnaires which can suit a wide variety of audiences so there are many opinions coming from young people, middle aged people, elderly people which benefits the audience to see the different types of opinions.  

However this might not be the way to get research because if this audience member were to have their own website and write their own personal reviews on a particular film for example The Mortal Instruments City of Bones they might be very bias in saying that it's a great movie but that is just their opinion they would need other peoples opinions to make it fair because films do not suit everyone's likes. This is also very time consuming having to read through various different websites and reading the reviews weather they had liked it or disliked it.